Terry Lashyn, Treasurer

Terry Lashyn is currently serving as the Treasurer for the Rock and Roll Society of Edmonton, but he’s served on the Board before. He started his previous position on April 5, 2018 but unfortunately, he had to leave to provide caregiving support in November 2019.

In August 2014, Terry started as a volunteer with us in the bar area at Rockfest. In 2015, he was appointed the Lead of the bar area and held that position through 2019. He’s also held other volunteer positions in the minor hockey world as coach, manager and treasurer.

His favourite local bands/musicians are Chronic Rock, and in his opinion, the best rockstars of all time are The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

Terry is a former (recovered) Calgary Flames fan and loves the line “it is better to live one day as a lion than 100 days as a lamb.”

“For me, getting involved on the Board again, is a great opportunity to work with great people, to help make decisions that ultimately have a positive impact for the families we support.”