Big Boost for our CAM Program

A big boost for the CAM Kids.

When we launched this campaign just over three weeks ago, we set a goal of $15,000 to shave Todd's head. We are pleased to announce that we not only met that goal, but we have exceeded it!! The final count tonight, at this very moment, is $16,690!!!!! (and they are still coming in). This is a HUGE boost for our CAM kids!!

There were so many hands at work for this event and many people to thank, but there are a couple of special thanks to send out. Thank you to the Newcastle Pub & GrillAngela MackenzieLynn Wells and Crawdad for hosting us today. Thank you to Corey Christenson for leading the push to raise an extra $1000 to also shave Todd's beard!!! Thank you to one of our amazing security volunteers, Bonnie, for working the room with a coffee can and rallying folks to toss in a few dollars, those dollars add up! Thank you to Tim Koslo for auctioning off a piece of his art for the event today. Thank you to the board of directors, past and present for all the work that goes on behind the scenes. Thank you to all of our supporters and friends. But the biggest thanks of all goes to the man of the day, Todd Crawshaw for, so selflessly, putting his hair AND BEARD on the chopping block. You are pretty darn terrific and the kids are so lucky to have someone like you in their corner.

Now that this event is complete, please know that we graciously accept any and all monetary donations, all year long. You can visit our website any time to make a donation at

Thank you for your continued support to provide an opportunity for these kids to engage in something that interests them, nurtures their artistic nature and grows their self-esteem.


Rock and Roll Society Head Shave